I still remember the day when I began working for the Kruselburger family: it was October, 2012, I was barely 19 years old and had graduated at the school for hotel and catering in Merano.
Seven years have passed, in which the hotel gave me the opportunity to grow and mature, finding my true aspiration. I started working as a receptionist at the front office, then moved to the back office and then began to deal with groups and all events of our hotel chain.
Since a couple of years I mainly deal with marketing, events and public relations for the 3 hotels. The last challenge that particularly interested me has been the great work behind the construction of the personnel’s new accommodation with 32 beautiful rooms. During this process I obviously never forgot of our guests, who mostly come in families and often in large number. Among the newest developments we introduced, for instance, some included beverages both at lunch and at dinner: more than a full board, we call it a “light all inclusive”. Moreover, on December 23rd we introduced 18 new deluxe family suite, equipped with every comfort a family with children and teen-agers may need. In any case, we never stop! Soon we will start with new projects to furtherly improve the quality of our services. Every day I focus my attention and creativity to transform every holiday into an unforgettable stay. I am very well aware that we are responsible of the most beautiful time of the year! My everyday routine is made of various tasks and it is very hard to isolate a particular moment; however, I think the best thing is the contact with people, the possibility to know new cultures and needs, as well as hearing other points of view. Our guests’ dreams and expectations enrich my experience and allow me to create and develop holidays of real pleasure.