Statistics show the pizza makes people happy. It is well known how delicious this food is, what we still did not know is that the fragrance of a baking pizza is even more delightful. This study is based on the facial recognition technology used to capture the emotions of pizzerias’ clients and to identify the behavior patterns. The experiment showed that particularly women (47%) love pizza. Pizza has spread in Italy and across the world, it is easy to prepare but even an easy recipe hides many secrets. Made with love and fine quality ingredients, baked in a wood oven, thin and crunchy, slightly bigger than the plate upon which is served: this is how we want our pizza! At the Schneeberg Hotel we choose the best ingredients for the dough, fine quality flour and the fresh water of our valley. Because in the mountain the cooking is a little more complicated, a special attention is needed. For this reason (and to keep up with a good tradition) the Kruselburger family chose a special oven made of fire-resistant bricks, now located close to the bar/new restaurant zone. The oven is crucial for a correct baking. A domestic oven reaches up to 270°C, while a wood oven can heat up to 500. The shape of the oven conducts the heat so that the pizza is heated from above, too. For the correct baking it is important that the gluten nets of the dough are strong and proportioned, so that the bubbles created by the heat give to the pizza its unique fragrance and consistency. At the Schneeberg hotel you have the possibility to switch the dinner menu with the pizza. Enjoy your food!
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